The case of fake vaccines has troubled many parents, as their effects make many people doubt the authenticity and safety of child immunization. In fact, there are easy ways for Little to get a vaccine that is guaranteed authenticity and safety. Vaccination is the process of giving antigens in the form of living microorganisms that have been weakened or dead, or parts that have been processed in such a way as to cause immunity to the recipient of the vaccine. The vaccine is given with the intention of stimulating the formation of active immunity against certain diseases. What Is a Fake Vaccine? Fake vaccines are preparations labeled vaccines that do not contain antigens, so they do not stimulate the formation of active immunity, and make them useless. The authenticity of a vaccine can be determined after going through laboratory tests by BPOM. From the results of the examination, fake vaccines generally contain the following ingredients: Intravenous fluids. There are several...